'SCHOOLS AGAINST MALARIA PROJECT' → When it comes to all of Africa's health issues, education is key ! It is for that reason that we step up to achieve international malaria education. We reach over 40.000 schoolchildren in Africa ! Without malaria knowledge we are not going to achieve our goal to reduce child mortality. Education is key to reducing malaria in terms of educating children, who bring their message to their homes and the whole community.

Education leads to a reduction in child mortality of 40%. Up to 50% of the varying rates between different countries, one of the consequences is explained by a lack of education. In the past years major advances have taken place in education. Collaborations between DAM and the National Education Departments and National School Systems in African countries an analysis of malaria cases in the family.

DAM Steunt Schoolkinderen Afrika

"We leren heel veel van DAM"

2025 → ׀ Drive Against Malaria viert de ‘International Day Of Education’ samen met de schoolkinderen in Afrika. 244 miljoen kinderen over de hele wereld gaan niet naar school; 617 miljoen kinderen kunnen niet lezen en schrijven; minder dan 40% van de meisjes in Sub-Sahara Afrika rondt de school af.
In Namibië, Kameroen, de Centraal Afrikaanse Republiek, Angola, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Sudan, Kenia, Zambia en Tanzania zetten we ons in op honderden scholen voor schoolkinderen. Elifas is een van de vele schoolkinderen : “ We leren heel veel van Drive Against Malaria. We mogen hen allerlei vragen stellen. En dat is heel erg leuk.”

Bescherming Van Oorlogskinderen

Muziek, Spel en Creativiteit

2024 → Kameroen ׀ Ons DAM Team blijft onvermoeibaar in de frontlinie werken. In het midden van de door conflicten geteisterde regio's van Kameroen schijnt Drive Against Malaria een lichtje van hoop in de harten van vele schoolkinderen. Kinderen die inmiddels jarenlang in wanhoop en gevaar leven.
Maar zij worden door DAM niet alleen gelaten. Robertson: “In deze door oorlog geteisterde regio's van Kameroen worden scholen vaak overvallen met geweld, waardoor de kinderen veiligheid en onderwijs wordt ontnomen.” (LEES MEER)

Malaria Project great success in Zambia

ZAMBIA - During our school program in Zambia, we also notices severe stress among the children after a malaria epidemic. A frequency count of the expressed malaria-related fears, anxieties and family & friends loss was taken during every school event. Zambian schoolchildren who's family members were victims of a devastating malaria outbreak are expressing their emotions during DAM's Education Projects. The Schools Against Malaria Project is operating succesfull in Zambia. The findings substantiate the overall trend of declining primary school enrolment. To address the issue of quality education about health issues, DAM supported the training of some 132 teachers and parents in the new curriculum that aims to improve achievements at primary schools.

Kinderen vervullen belangrijke rol

NAMIBIË - Ook in Namibië versterken we samen het malariabewustzijn met de nieuwe generatie. Kinderen spelen een enorm belangrijke rol bij de preventie van malaria. We geven voorbeelden hoe zij preventieve maatregelen kunnen nemen in hun eigen huis. Want samen kunnen we malaria verslaan. Er is enorm veel werk gedaan door de kinderen om het 'Education Project' te organiseren. Ook de leerkrachten van maar liefst 11 scholen hebben een geweldige bijdrage geleverd aan het succes ervan.

Students have a lot of great ideas

CAMEROON - Sharing malaria awareness with the new generation of Cameroon ! They play an important role in malaria prevention, sharing examples and how to take preventive measures in their own homes and within their own families. Together we can beat malaria ! As we start to reflect on all of the work that has been put into organizing 'The Education Project' we are grateful to all students in the villages of Cameroon who have contribute to ensuring its success. David Robertson; " DAM is a hands-on organisation. We work with rural communities wherever people need our help. It is important for our mission to work together, with the students, and not just to tell them what they need to do. We are open for questions and the students make their own creative plays. The have a lot of great ideas and know how to influence their own friends, family and neighbours in the fight against malaria. That's the key of success." We are very proud and pleased of all people in our Cameroon Projects who worked tirelessly and with an incredible dedication to make the 'Education Project' happen.